King Game Demo
Includes the shop, sigil drawing, scroll, and god summoned sections of the game
Buy items from the shop by dragging them to your inventory. You can also interact with the cat and the bell. When you're done, press the exit button.
Use the scrolls to figure out what sigil to draw and try to draw it using the guides on the table. Be slow and deliberate and use the shape on the table to guide your lines. The small circles that appear as you draw are detection nodes. Use the button in the top left to restart and the top right to access the scrolls. When you see the candles, you've succeeded!
Then drag an item from your inventory to the center of the sigil to summon a god. Click on the god to dismiss them. In this version, this starts the new week and returns you to the shop. In the final game, you would sit in court and make decisions.
Changes since last update:
- Added the noise filter
- Added favor with the gods
- Gods now respond to their favorite and least favorite foods
- Gods lose a bit of favor each time they aren't summoned
- Added more polish to the bell and the cat, and removed placeholder dialogue
- Added the weeks mechanic. It doesn't do much yet
- Made Yliaster unable to be summoned initially. He will be unlocked later in the game, but for now, you can press space to unlock
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